About The Brand

LEGIT TRAPPINis more than a catchy slogan. It is a lifestyle. One that epitomizes the intelligence, beauty, resilience, grit, sophistication and ingenuity of the urban spirit. That spirit that has been, for centuries, the self propelled vehicle used to elevate one's stake in life when traditional routes weren't readily accessible and/or sufficient. It celebrates those who utilize their unique skillset; whether it be braiding hair, leading board meetings, social activism, owning their own business, cleaning people's homes or building homes. It identifies with everyone who's keeping their head above water, making a wave when they can. It pays homage to the Dream, the Hustle, the Hustlers, and the Hustlhers whose sacrifices have now made Trappin Legit.

Multimedia collage


The HustlHER Collection is a personal favorite of our CEO because she's... 


Who doesn't love a good hoodie? You know your significant other is... 

Legit Trappin is a Movement. Clothes bring the attention but there's real work being done.

  • Info You Wanna Know

    We'll be adding cannabusiness events soon!

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    Have a product, business, group that supports the Cannabusiness? Email us and tell us about it!

  • Connect with Portia

    Want to connect with our founder Portia Mittons for interviews or investing? Email portia@legttrappin.com